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This is a list of craftable items that give a Large house bonus.

The items have also been tagged with a gold sticker.


Aurin Chandelier (Artisan)

Cassian Standing Lamp (Journeyman)

Exile Chandelier (Artisan)



Chua-Tech Heatrod Fireplace (Apprentice)

Comfortable Dominion Bed (Artisan)

Dominon Leather Sofa (Artisan)

Draken Beast-Tongue Fireplace (Journeyman)

Exile Hologram Fireplace (Artisan)

Large Hooded Stove (Journeyman)

Nautical Sofa (Expert)

Simple Exhaust Pipe Fireplace (Apprentice)

Simple Lopp Pillow Pile (Journeyman)

Stonebrick Lopp Fireplace (Apprentice)



Arkship Cryopod (Housing Research)

Draken Bar Sign (Expert)

Dominion Cryopod (Housing Research)

Ornate Standing Chest (Artisan)

Peeping Eye Security Cam (Artisan)

The Ruby-Eyed Thinker (Housing Research)



Aurin Syle Bookcase (Apprentice)

Draken Wardrobe (Artisan)

The Statue of the Eldan Sentinel (Housing Research)



Murgh Meat-Nest (Apprentice)

Supreme Meat-Skewer (Apprentice)

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